iPad App


The goal is to extend the Sears catalog experience to the iPad tablet app, leveraging the Sears.com experience as a template.


Incorporate content applicable to the tablet experience. The overall look and feel will remain consistent across the hard copy catalog, desktop and mobile websites.

Design Process
Listen and absorb

Product manager provided the user personas, and business requirements. I borrowed lessons learned and user research from wishbook ipad app and implemented a more broad perspective.

Organize product type hierarchy and taxonomy flow

Follow same user paths for each vertical based on current catalog and online structures.

Visual UX Design

Generate ideas for design that align with requirements and development capabilities. Create wireframes and mockups to review with product owner and present to stakeholder for final approvals.

Rapid prototyping

Turn select ideas into functional and scalable examples so the dev team can iterate during sprints, and users can get feature updates each week.

Collect feedback and refine

Evaluate the design before delivery to stakeholders. Select test subjects from each department’s brand. Collect information for usability, meeting requirements, time on task, and increase / decrease productivity.

“I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.”
Tammy Faye Bakker


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